Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sihanoukville, Cambodia - Crossroads Team

The University of Nations - Kona, Hawaii, Crossroads Sihanoukville Team has been in place for almost three weeks now.  We have been serving our host "Samaritan Love Mission" (SLM) in many areas such as:

  • Teaching English to four levels of beginners, four levels of intermediates and an advanced class.
  • Teaching at Kompong Som Bible School.
  • Visiting, giving medical services, sharing and establishing relationships with a new Village each week.  These people have many needs, they are the poor and oppressed, living in minimal accommodations and unhealthy conditions.
  • Weekly Bible Studies.
  • Weekly Fellowship/Worship Services.
  • Attending various local churches.
  • Pastors Conferences.


Johm rib sua - saks abei?    (Hi - how are you doing?)  We say that a lot!

Please visit our team blog for more photos and weekly journal entries about our outreach in Cambodia:

We are excited to be leading this Crossroads DTS Outreach team to a new area of Cambodia - Kom pong Som Province on the Southwest coast - also known as Sihanoukville.

Our team of 15 (4 men, 7 women and 4 children) left Kona on June 29 and will return August 22.  We are a diverse team: coming from Canada, New Zealand, Korea, China and USA;  ranging in age from 18 months to 74 years old!

Our ministry schedule is packed with lots of opportunities to reach out and build relationships with the Khmer people.  Some activities include:

*Visits four times per week to surrounding villages and poor neighborhoods where we bring medical supplies, food, water, songs, dramas, children's games and crafts, Bible stories and words of hope through our own testimonies of Jesus' love.
 *Teaching a mini DTS to students at a local Bible School for 2 hours each week day.
 *Teaching English classes for our host Samaritan Love Mission (SLM) - 9 levels of classes for 2 hours each week day. Really building some strong relationships there and speaking encouragement and hope into their future.
*Visits to local hospitals to bring food and encouragement to patients
*In charge of Saturday Bible study for young adults.
*In charge of Sunday afternoon Youth Fellowship Service at SLM
*Prayer walking the city
*Praying with local pastors and hosting pastors' fellowship times
*Daily team time to worship and pray as a team and deepen relationship with each other.

Please pray for us and our team as we daily face the challenges of third world living and unending poverty.
* That we would know Jesus' heart and love for His precious Khmer people
* That we would hear Jesus' voice guiding us how to meet needs here
* That God would send more people and resources to help Khmer people rise out of poverty, abuse, and hopelessness.
* For safety, health and protection for our team - safe trip home in August
* That our work would not be prevented by the monsoon rainy season
* For willingness to lay down our own comfort in order to reach the needy

POPULATION: 14 million - 24 Provinces and 14,402 villages - CAPITAL CITY: Phnom Penh  AVERAGE AGE: 22 yrs!
Situated in Southeast Asia, Cambodia suffered through communist genocide and civil war from early 1970 to 1975, with the repercussions still felt until 1998.  As a result, Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in the world.  However, the Cambodian people are opening their hearts to the good news of Jesus' hope and love for them.  Yes, we are at times overwhelmed by the poverty and lack of opportunities for the people here, but we are encouraged everyday by the stories of people we meet.  We have run into three men from Germany, New Zealand and Switzerland who each told us of how God spoke to them and called them to come to Cambodia.  They each gave up all they owned to pour their lives and resources into helping Cambodians (children, women at risk,etc.)  The Cambodian (Khmer) people, in general, are extremely gracious and lovely people.  Towards foreigners, they are both welcoming and curious.  It is obvious to us that God is moving here and it is our great privilege and joy to be even a small part of it.

Please drop us a note and update us on what's happening in your life.  It cheers our day to know you remember us even though we are removed from your lives for a season.
Our love and blessings to you all,
Darrel and Jan Lowder

Our team has recorded our journey here with lots of photos on our team blog at
Also check out our Facebook entries at "Darrel Lowder on Facebook"

I Thessalonians 5:16-18
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances :-)

    Sunday, June 19, 2011

    Back in Kona, UofN, 2011 Spring Quarter

    Aloha to all you dear friends and family scattered all over the world!

    We are back on the big island of Hawaii serving at the University of the Nations located in Kailua-Kona.

    March was a wonderful month as we spent time with some of you in Oregon, North Carolina, Colorado and Utah.  Our family reunion in Breckenridge, Colorado was so nice as all four of our children were able to come for at least part of the week.  The grandkids are growing up so fast and we must admit that it's hard to wave goodbye.

    The Spring quarter began here at the University on April 7th.  We are once again excited to be a part of leading the Crossroads DTS (Discipleship Training School).  Our class is a really special group:
    22 total students - 8 men and 14 women including 5 married couples
    students ages 25 to 74
    5 children ages 1, 3, 5, 8 and 14
    from US, Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand, China, South Korea and Malaysia
    Includes one doctor, two nurses, two accountants, three ESL teachers, one youth pastor, and one missionary to Africa

    The lecture phase of the CDTS is 12 weeks - I can't believe we are half way through already!  On June 29th we will leave Kona for the second phase of the school - an eight week outreach to another nation.  The children attend the Foundations School now and will go with us on the outreach trip.  More about our destination and work there in next month's update . . . . . .hummmmmmmm

    Our good friends and co-workers, Ager and Joyce, are traveling in Cambodia for two months.  While they are gone, we have the privilege of staying in their condo, right next to the campus.  We still eat our meals with the students, but it's been a nice change from dorm life.

    We have listed for sale our home in Palisade and also the 2 acre parcel of land in the Vinelands.  When they sell, we will consider buying a condo on the University of the Nations campus.  Please pray for God's best plan and guidance for us concerning this.

    We ask that you would please set aside a few minutes this week to stand with us in prayer:
    Timely sale of our properties
    Strength and wisdom to serve and support our students (we often work 12 hour days)
    Help as we prepare to lead students on outreach
    Close relationships with students and other staff
    Grow in knowing Jesus and making Him known

    Darrel posts our latest news on Facebook.  Check it out and ask to be a friend – account is under the name “Darrel Lowder.”

    Attached are a few pics of our times with family and school.
    Please drop us a note and update us on what’s happening in your life.  We send our love to each and everyone of you,
    Darrel and Jan Lowder

    I Thessalonians 5:16-18
    Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances :-)
    Matt & Heather's kids Anna, Daniel & Lilly
    Chellee & Jesse's Colter, Brooke & Paul's Fiona & Seamus
    Our Son Levi, Daughter Chellee & Daughter Brooke
    Jan & Darrel Skiing in Breckenridge, Colorado
    Crossroads Spring 2011 Registration
    Darrel's Welcome for Students
    The Kingdom of God Instructor Don Stevens
    Ahna from Korea, Jan, Judy from CA & Stream from China