Sunday, October 31, 2010

Settling In at the University of Nations, Kailua-Kona, HI

God is Good!  God is Awesome! God is really...really...really Good!!!  Jan and I have been given this incredible opportunity to be feed more and more and to give out more and more of His Love and Glory to extend His Kingdom!

We are honored to accept our leader's, Bob and Carolyn Hopkins (pictured here next to us), invitation to Staff the Fall CrossRoads Discipleship Training School here on the campus of the University of Nations, Kona, HI.

Ahn-yung-hah-say-yo!  (Hello! in Korean . . . . . We say that often around here with many wonderful Korean students at U of N)
from Jan and Darrel!

We are settling into the routine here at the University of the Nations in Kona.  Serving here on staff for the Crossroads DTS we find challenging and, at the same time, very rewarding.

The “Fall 2010 Crossroads Class” consists of 50 students, 40 children and 13 staff members.  Our students come from USA, Canada, England, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Korea and China.  Students range in age from 25 to 63 and the children from 12 months to 16 years.  We have 12 families with children, 5 couples, 11 single women, and 5 single men.  

During the day, the children attend the “Foundations School” here on campus which is designed just for DTS students’ children.  The adults meet for class in the mornings for lecture sessions with a different speaker each week.  In the afternoons, Darrel and I lead small groups, meet with students one to one and also lead outreach preparation classes.  Our duties also include grading students’ journals, grading book reports, CDTS School duty (Jan-Hospitality and Darrel-Transportation) U of N Leadership training, Prayer sessions, University work duty (Jan-Recycle Store, Darrel-Security) and planning & preparation for foreign country outreach.

When Jesus said the laborers are few, He was right!  We are all working hard to keep up, doing our very best, and trusting God to send more laborers for the many needs in our world.


  • Health and energy for both of us.
  • Wisdom and understanding in working with students of many ages and cultures.
  • Clear direction in planning for our two month foreign outreach.  More about that soon :-)


Check out our blog where Darrel is posting many more pics and info:

Check out our guest speakers (and life coaches) this week, Doug and Valerie Richardson with Reinvent Ministries:

Sunday, October 17, 2010

WAYA Island, Fiji

Excitement, Anticipation, the day we arrived at the Island of Waya, Fiji.

 Landing on the beach!!

Waya Beach, left of the house we stayed at.

Waya Beach, right of the house we stayed at.

Just down the beach...

Jan and the Pastor's Children....

 Sharing with village members....

 Kasawa is the main staple for Fiji.  It is easy to grow, harvest and plant.  It grows anywhere, on mountain slopes and even in the jungle!
 Dinner for the village!

Kids at play during a break from School.

Jan got sick and we needed to get her to the hospital on the mainland of Fiji.  There was a miracle that day.....notice the smooth calm waters of the South Pacific!

Jan got better and we came back to Waya and prayed over this ancient Burre, known as the King's Compound.

In the middle of the village!

 This is how the grass mattes get made!

Jan just simply loves the native burres'   They are efficient, quick and inexpensive to build.  Unfortunately, they do not weather the hurricanes well.

The day we went back to Latoka.

 Rest and Relaxation on our own Island for a Day!

Rewards from the Lord!
Back in the classroom.  Notice the instructor.  His name is Baxter Kruger, the author of the Shack Revisited.
 Back in Ohana Court!  The UofN family meeting place.

Volunteers for the Annual Ironman Championship in Kona, Hawaii.